Unleash the Power of Free ATS: Transform Your Small Team into a Hiring Powerhouse!

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If you thought applicant tracking software (ATS) was just for big companies with hefty budgets, it’s time to think again. Small hiring teams, buckle up! We’re about to reveal how free ATS, coupled with AI chatbots and text recruiting, can supercharge your recruitment process without breaking the bank.

What is ATS and Why Should Small Teams Care?

ATS is cloud-based software that automates the recruitment process. From posting job ads and managing online applications to creating a unique talent pool, ATS does it all. If your small team still manages resumes via email or struggles with paper applications, ATS could be the game-changer you’re looking for.

Free ATS: Leveling the Playing Field

Traditionally, ATS solutions have been tailored to large organizations, leaving small teams struggling to find affordable solutions. But times are changing. ReadyATS offer a Free plan designed specifically to support small businesses in their growth journey.

The Power of ReadyATS Free Plan

ReadyATS’s platform, complete with AI chatbot and text recruiting capabilities, is designed to propel small hiring teams into the future of recruitment. The Free plan offers:

1. 2 Free Job Postings

Create an account is super easy and you get 2 free job postings on us! 

Say goodbye to costly implementation. The system can be setup within 10 minutes to get your company up and running, thanks to our user-friendly self-service process.  

2. Free AI Chatbot:

Engage with candidates 24/7, automate initial screening, and provide real-time responses to candidate queries.

3. Job Board & Social Media Integrations:

Maximize your reach by sharing job posts across different platforms directly from your ATS.

4. Applicant Management:

Keep track of candidate data, review applications, and manage the recruitment process from one platform.

5. Automated Email Engagement:

Ensure timely communication with candidates and improve candidate experience.

6. Free Career Landing Page:

Attract top talent with a professionally designed easy to manage landing page that showcases your company’s brand and culture.

Ready to take the leap? 

Start sharing jobs, collecting resumes, and revolutionizing your recruitment process for free with ReadyATS!

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