Recruiting on a budget? ReadyATS is here for you!

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Recruiting on a budget and finding talent are now more challenging than ever. ReadyATS is determined to help hiring teams continue to grow! Here are a few ways our applicant tracking software can help:

Free Postings To Top Job Boards

A main feature of applicant tracking software is job creation and posting jobs to external job boards. Websites like LinkedIn and Indeed integrate with ATS platforms allowing employers to take advantage of their free feeds. ReadyATS provides you with two free jobs that can be posted for free using LinkedIn, Indeed, CareerBuilder, Glassdoor, and Monster.

Job postings are visible to the public based on company name, location, and job category criteria. In a matter of minutes, jobs can be created and posted live to the public. This enables employers to quickly reach a larger pool of potential candidates and can result in more qualified applicants being attracted to the job. The ATS is linked to the employer’s website, so candidates can apply directly, streamlining the hiring process. Furthermore, the ATS automatically updates job postings, which can be tailored to the employer’s needs. This ensures that only up-to-date job postings are available to potential applicants. Finally, the ATS can be used to track applicants and manage the hiring process, from sorting through resumes to scheduling interviews.

Free Social Media Sharing

ReadyATS lets system users share their job postings to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for free! You can publish direct links to your social media pages that will lead candidates directly to the job. Plus, you can even include a custom job description and image to the post. This allows you to tailor your job postings to the target audience and gives you the opportunity to make more impactful connections with potential candidates. ReadyATS also makes it easy to track the performance of your job postings. You can see the number of times each job posting has been viewed, and the number of applicants who have applied. This allows you to quickly identify which job postings are the most successful, and adjust your recruitment strategy accordingly.

Free Career Page

With ReadyATS, users are able to choose and edit a career page for free! The career page is already built, allowing users to edit and customize their page to their company’s branding. ReadyATS also makes it easy to find and manage the best applicants. From a single dashboard, users can view, filter, and search through the list of applicants for their job postings. They can also contact applicants directly from the platform in order to set up interviews and further engage them in the hiring process. ReadyATS also offers a notification system that allows users to stay up to date on new applicants and job postings. This feature helps employers stay organized and on top of their hiring needs.

Free Texting

ReadyATS offers texting for clients to text candidates either individually or mass text multiple candidates at once. You can instantly send a text using a generic phone number to applicants to send jobs, and send interview invites. Join today and get the first 100 text messages for FREE! You can also customize the job posting so that it goes out to the right candidates for the job. ReadyATS gives users the ability to post on the most popular job sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter to maximize their reach. You can also promote your job postings using Google Ads and other search platforms to get even more visibility. ReadyATS makes it easy to track the performance of your job postings to see what platforms are driving the most applicants.

Start Recruiting For Free Today

Budget-conscious teams eager to grow fast can get a full-suite of applicant tracking tools for free with ReadyATS

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